4 Reasons Why You Need A Killer To-Do List

A killer to-do list is like a well packed caravan. Everything that you need for the trip is organised and in one place. You’ve added the obvious stuff, like soap, sleeping bags and spare undies. ‘Just in case’ items are also included — like Scrabble and a first aid kit…

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Two Outstanding Books To Make You More Productive

If you could choose just 2 productivity books to read, what might they be? In this post, we reveal our favourite productivity books of all time and how they have helped us to shift the way we work.

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GTD Contexts: Are They Redundant In The Digital Age?

When David Allen wrote Getting Things Done®, he physically had to be at the office to write a memo. It made sense to only access those tasks marked as @office. In the digital age, the original logic of GTD contexts has stopped making sense …

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