Can Exercise Make You Smarter?
Recent studies show that exercise directly and significantly changes our brain. It readies us to learn. It helps us to focus and remain alert. It helps us cope with stress. It primes us to be productive. …
Recent studies show that exercise directly and significantly changes our brain. It readies us to learn. It helps us to focus and remain alert. It helps us cope with stress. It primes us to be productive. …
Standing is the new sitting! More and more people are standing at their desks at work — to stay alert, reduce back ache and get productive. If you’re convinced but don’t know where to start, here’s 3 great options to buy, make or modify your existing desk.
But just before the game, my 6 year old daughter said something that I found very helpful: “Well daddy, the most important thing is that you try. Just try your best. Then I’ll be proud of you.” Sweet. That’s what I needed to hear at the time and it changed my perspective…
Have you ever tried to start a habit but didn’t get it to stick? 2 years ago I decided that I wanted to start running. I’ve always enjoyed running and the feeling that followed afterwards. Despite my good intentions, this didn’t quite work out as well as I hoped …
Different types of physical activity shape your brain in different ways. Complex movements (I.e. yoga) prepare your mind for complex thinking. Endurance activities (I.e. running) help you to think more clearly …
Exercise is good for the mind. A burst of activity before work can help you stay alert and concentrate for longer. In the past, I relied on chance to get me into the zone. Nowadays I intentionally harness the power of exercise …