The Leadership Square

Sometimes you have to lead from the front. Sometimes you have to lead from within. Are you choosing the right style of leadership for your team?

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Be an Arrow and Not a Square

According to research, “85 per cent of working adults cannot tell you their organisation’s most important goals.” There are many reasons for this. Team goals are often vague, complex, overly generic, or (if we’re honest) simply non-existent!

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Permission to Think

Do you see thinking as a waste of time? Or as an integral part of your work? Busy isn’t always better. By thinking more, as a habit, you can avoid the trap of silly busy work.

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One Great Question

Could one small action per day change the course of your life? In this video Daniel shares his personal experience in introducing a simple, habitual, daily action that led to a complete career change and a new life direction.

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Lead and Lag Measures

Have you ever had a goal that you wanted to achieve, but ended up losing momentum? You may have been motivated, and clear about outcomes, but you still got stuck. In our experience, the difference between having a goal, and achieving a goal, is related to how you measure success.

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Your Circle of Influence

  Have you heard about what President Trump tweeted this morning? It was outrageous. But not as bad as our new car fleet policy… what was the CEO thinking!?? And my neighbour… it’s a disaster… they trimmed their hedge last week and now we can see into their kitchen! Hmm… ever had a conversation like … Continued

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Schedule Your Holidays Before Your Work

Rest is critical for sustained productivity. It energises us and helps us be fully human. Wouldn’t it be great if you could enter next year with a restful, more sustainable schedule?

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How to prioritise your work

How many times have I ended my week without achieving something important? How often have I been reactive and busy, without progressing my priorities? In this practical video, we will help you to identify your priorities, each week, using a simple matrix called Covey’s Quadrant.

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What is the next action?

Are your meetings boring and frustrating? Is there a lot of talking but not much action? If so, you can change all this by asking one simple, practical question: What is the next action?

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Do you ever get stuck in the dip?

Does your team get bogged down with lots of new stuff and lose focus? Business author, Seth Godin, suggests that the best leaders quit early and quit often. They think carefully before diving in. They stick things out and achieve amazing results.

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