
Be an Arrow and Not a Square

According to research, “85 per cent of working adults cannot tell you their organisation’s most important goals.”[1]

There are many reasons for this. Team goals are often vague, complex, overly generic, or (if we’re honest) simply non-existent!

Whatever the reason, a team that is unclear about their most important goal will invariably push and pull in different directions. They become an ecosystem of reactivity and wasted energy, just like the square below.

Arrow or Square Image - June 2017 (cropped)

In contrast, teams who share a common goal, one that is clear, tangible and memorable, become like an arrow. Members do not lose their individuality – they find flexibility and freedom within the goal – yet collectively energy is harnessed and meaningful change is achieved.

Kentucky basketball coach, Adolph Rupp, once suggested that “whenever you see a person on top of a mountain, you can be sure they didn’t fall there.”[2]

No one reaches lofty heights by accident. Teams are no exception. To harness momentum and energy as a collective, create a common goal and execute it well.

Be like the arrow and not the square. Shoot for something great!

Spacemakers can teach you How to Create a Strategic Plan that Actually Gets Done – it’s what we do! If you would like to learn more then please contact us.


Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. McChesney, C, Covey, S and Huling, J (2012) The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, p. 129.
  2. McChesney, C, Covey, S and Huling, J (2012) The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, p. 116.

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