
How to Share Tasks As A Team Using KanBan


Have you ever wished  there was a better way to run projects?

That’s right. A simple method to help you set priorities, assign tasks and work as a team.

Well, what a coincidence. There is!

(It’s called KanBan… a practical way to share and manage tasks with others.)

All you need is a pack of sticky notes, a whiteboard and a whiteboard pen. Oh, plus a project and a team!

In this practical video, Tim will show you how KanBan works (in just 5 minutes). This method is super simple and can revolutionise the way you communicate as a team!

P.S. Here’s more information about our video for those who are interested…

How to apply the KanBan method:

Step 1.

Create four columns on a whiteboard: To Do, Doing, Done and Waiting.

Step 2. 

Using different coloured sticky notes to represent each team member (one person per colour) write out the individual tasks each team member has to complete for the project. Ensure you only include one task per sticky note. Place them all in the To Do column.

Step 3. 

In your weekly planning meeting move all the tasks that need to be completed within the next week into the To Do column.

Step 4.

The following week during your weekly planning meeting review the tasks in the To Do column:

  • Move the completed tasks to the Done column;
  • Place a small dot in the corner of tasks that were not completed;
  • Move new tasks to be completed within the next week from the To Do column to the Doing column.

Step 5.

Repeat the process again the following week.


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